About Me

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They call me NICO , Im still growing as a person, always learning something new about myself or in life. Im into music. photography. chicken mcnuggets. friends. traveling. socialising. & Im that kid you're mom told you to stay away from. http://hearmegood.tumblr.com/

Friday 20 January 2012

Thanks for tuning in.

so ive been gone..
lots of sleeping, lots of work, lots of work, lots of stuff. but its allll good because im here now and thats what you all wanted. i guess the aspect of my life that has been the most dynamic has go to be the area of sleeping. im totally and completely enammored with my bed and its consuming most of my time.

Shoes: ive made some moves. some non-crucial moves..like 24 sterling pounds moves, but its all for the love of the game right?.

Music: So it appers that odd future has a few projects in works this year that should keep my needs in tack and Tyler, the Creator has been working on the follow up to Goblin, Wolf, which is due this spring and i cannot wait to listen to there fuck-up but genius lyrics

so before i jet until the next episode (hopefully tomorrow) 

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