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They call me NICO , Im still growing as a person, always learning something new about myself or in life. Im into music. photography. chicken mcnuggets. friends. traveling. socialising. & Im that kid you're mom told you to stay away from. http://hearmegood.tumblr.com/

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Not Quite.

my first blog entry! i hate long "hello"s and "i like"s..and this isnt an essay writing class so lets skip the intro and get to the food for thought..enjoy (like coke..haha) 

so lets start! 
today...it buggs me to see happy couples. i hate it 'cus im without and they're obviously "with". im ready for a partner in crime. not just a friend 'cus i have plenty of those, most of them have penises ("..es"?) and some without. im not sold on a prototypical girlfriend either..why? im not sure. 
what i want is a "not quite" girlfriend. you know that buddy that you hate to see texting someone else. or the kind that you go out to eat with and its understood that "dutch" is the language we speak (youre smirking if you caught that). the kind that you go to the movies with and u guys do that playful half cuddle thing. the kind that wears sweatshirts around you to the drive-in and you do the same. the kind that u have long conversations with about the qualities of the perfect companion and you imply traits of your "not quite" without giving it away that he or she would be great! sophmoric? ..duh! but isnt love a game for immature fools? everyone is always speaking this empty rehtoric about maturity in relationships..thats for the birds. in all honesty we want a little jealosy from our bf/gf, maybe some love notes there and here. maturity only gives you things to be immature about anyways. i wouldnt mind screaming lyrics to our favorite little-known music artist in the car on our way to a coffee shop where we always get the same respective drinks everytime we go. am i asking too much? even though we dont do what lovers do we can still feel but not acknowledge that specific 143 between us (musiq; get a clue). and look at it this way...breaking up usually isnt an option with bestfriends. i mean how many of my (and your) relationships ended in a break up? ALL duh. and unless you marry the one youre with now...the afore mentioned is inevitable, whether its a "good" or "bad" break up is irrelevant. 
this is enough for a first entry i guess. 

 corny? ha write your own blog then!


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