About Me

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They call me NICO , Im still growing as a person, always learning something new about myself or in life. Im into music. photography. chicken mcnuggets. friends. traveling. socialising. & Im that kid you're mom told you to stay away from. http://hearmegood.tumblr.com/

Sunday 6 January 2013

Not really resolutions

i think im going to use this year to do a few things ive always wanted to do..instead of resolving not to complain, or be a better son, im going to make a few personal promises.

learn a new language..
though ive yet to master english, im going to take some french speaking classes. why not?

learn a new instrument..
either sax or guitar. im leaning toward guitar because i know for a fact its easier than saxophone..but should lack of difficulty count as a pro or a con?

immerse myself in photography..
this kinda goes under the last one..im going to take all music more seriously..starting tomorrow..

take a trip..
though i was planning to go to Europe...my wallet is saying no.

i just want to add experience and interest to my character really. id love to be on a train to France and be able to talk about different French dialects with a stranger. all these things just add to one's self masterpiece.

google me beeech.