About Me

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They call me NICO , Im still growing as a person, always learning something new about myself or in life. Im into music. photography. chicken mcnuggets. friends. traveling. socialising. & Im that kid you're mom told you to stay away from. http://hearmegood.tumblr.com/

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Excuse the hiatus

Gosh so i've been super busy! BUT im back like scoliosis, for tonight..ha. na i plan to be here to stay. but im going to do a little redecorating..or better put, a little redefining of this here blog. no longer will i SOLELY post when i have something deep and insightful, im not that freakin creative, hence the what 3 posts? ya so im guna bring everyday feeling & my own personal flavor..even if its only 3 sentences. i will still be brigin the heat so dont misunderstand. Ghandi spoke few words and is still quoted. that being said....heres where im at!

as of late...my mind has been in so many places..ive been into so many different things. but still being me. streetwear, collectible toys/art, traveling, gadgets, and always music. ive had my eye on this jacket for a few weeks..

and now that i started to work more (The Cave, give me a, YAYER) ive been able to really gear my earnings toward things of this nature. but about the traveling..im planning on saving my money nearly all year (well trying to) to piece together a trip to 
Europe with a friend or two..no real candidates yet surprisingly. the whole culture to me seems so innovative and neat.

But im thinking..Flight from London, to France, hit Paris, Marseille, then to Germany, where ill be in Berlin forsure. and then depending on my funds ill decide obviously before i go if i can go to Italy, where ill make noise in Rome, Venice and Florence. yaa sounds good. ill be taking thousands of pics, stop at an art gallery or three, few museums, and hopefully a football game. i wanna brush up on spanish now and am prepared to order my french dish once ive mastered the afore mentioned. im amped. guna be great. im pretty bent on going too but if its not in the budget..then ny it is. but either way..im bloggin the ENTIRE trip.

shout out to this three kids. cus real g's krump like that.

anyways..more in a day or two.

kiss the momma for me.

Real Hip-Hop x Chris Brown Part 1 to 4.

Monday 6 February 2012


MY 2011
Reminiscing on the past 12 months. Excuse my past even though were in 2012 plus 2 months.
In 2011:
I started to dance.
I fell in love.
I got my heart broken.
I stared playing basketball.
I visited my family in Philippines.
I learn how to play Fifa 12.
I began to use Twitter.
I went to Greece.
I learn how to skateboard/longboard.
I lost my tooth necklace.
I got my own signature shirt
I had everyone saying “TIGHT” “UGHHH” “That’s what’s hot now?”
I realized that wasn’t love.
I got a Louis Vuitton.
I got an iphone.
I realized my love for Ben and Jerry's is high.
I got to see Drake
I got to see J.cole

After writing all of this it feel like i need to start doing some more activities but don't worry.

Kulture Kids x Animaineax / Kenzo Alvares - My Piece

I love this piece so creative.

ChiChi Anais - My Morning

Liking this old school vibe reminds of a tribe called quest, maybe its because of the beat.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Laugh with me

people who know me know that i hate lebron james. i wont name the reasons here. i dont wana get into how gross his jumper is, or how its unfair that hes 6'9 1/2" 260lbs or how he already has a chapionship appearance...i wont get into all that.
but i must now announce...
that i have love for him. all because of this commercial: